Foundation Update: March 2025

From the MCTM Foundation

Are you a Middle School Teacher looking for financial support for completing coursework in mathematics?  

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The Arnie Cutler Scholarship for Mathematics Coursework for Middle School Teachers is for licensed Minnesota Middle school teachers currently teaching mathematics in grades 5 – 8 who is a member of MCTM.  You must have 3 years of teaching experience and expect to continue teaching mathematics middle school. 

The purpose of this grant is to provide financial support for improving and deepening middle school teachers’ understanding of mathematics by completing coursework in mathematics. Scholarships with a maximum of $1200 each will be awarded to persons currently teaching in grades 5 – 8. Mathematics content is the focus of this scholarship; thus primary consideration will be given to appropriate mathematics content courses. Mathematics education courses may also qualify if they include a strong content emphasis and if the applicant provides a suitable rationale. Coursework should be from an accredited college or university and grant academic credit. Proposals must address the following: rationale for the coursework, anticipated instructional improvements, and expected impact on student learning.

Deadline: March 31st. 

Needed – Committee Members

Are you looking for a way to get professionally involved? The MCTM

Foundation will be looking for at least two new committee members starting in the Fall of 2025. If this is of interest to you, the job description and a short application are available on our web page, toward the bottom of the page.

Do you have extra mathematics resources to donate? 

Do you have extra mathematics resources that you like to donate to the MCTM Foundation Book Sale at the Spring Conference?  Any textbooks will be added to the Free table in the exhibit hall at the Spring Conference.  Please send an email to if you have things to share or just bring them to the Spring Conference. 

The MCTM Foundation Booth at the Spring Conference will feature:

    •  A Book Sale
    • A Quilt Raffle (Created by Amy Wix)
    • Lighthouse Wood Intarsia Wall Hanging Raffle 
    • Math Baskets
    • Quilt Raffle (Quilted by Susan Westegard)