Foundation Update: November 2024

Congratulations to Teacher Incentive Grant awardee:  

Elisabeth Carlson

Her project is Mathy Moments

Early math experiences are a greater predictor of overall school success (including high school graduation) than reading. Early math experiences also promote social-emotional development Yet, literacy development is the primary focus of most daycare and preschool programs. When math experiences are included, they tend to be of low cognitive demand.
Our purpose is to give young children experiences to develop spatial sense and learn to see and love math in play situations.


  • Apply for Spring Conference Support Grants 
  • Apply for the Ross Taylor Mathematics Education and Leadership Scholarship to attend the Symposium
  • We hope to open the applications in mid December. 

Do you have extra mathematics resources that you like to donate to the MCTM Book Sale at the Spring Conference?  Any textbooks will be added to the Free table in the exhibit hall at the spring conference.  Please send an email to if you have items to share. 

Would you like to donate to the MCTM Foundation?  We are a 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible; you will receive an official letter from the MCTM Executive Director for your tax records. 

Go to the MCTM website – ​​ Notice that in the upper right hand corner is a yellow button which says DONATE.  Click on that button.  

MCTM Foundation Board