MCTM High School Task Force for 2022 Math Standards

Introduction and Purpose

The Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM) is an organization of professionals dedicated to promoting the teaching and learning of meaningful mathematics for all students by supporting educators in their efforts to improve mathematics instruction. MCTM believes when access and equity have been successfully addressed, student outcomes – including achievement on a range of mathematics assessments, disposition toward mathematics, and persistence in the mathematics pipeline – transcend, and cannot be predicted by, students’ racial, ethnic, linguistic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

The MCTM High School Task Force will develop guidance to help guide the implementation of the proposed 2022 Minnesota high school math standards. This guidance will be developed with the aim of recognizing and appreciating local community values and local control of educational content among Minnesota high schools.

Current practices in high school mathematics are based on the work of the 1892 Committee of Ten (NEA Committee on Secondary School Studies). High school education was centered on preparing young men for white collar jobs and college attendance. The recommendations for mathematics education included the traditional algebra and geometry which are prevalent today. Despite the recommendations of many national mathematics education organizations, such as NCTM’s 2000 Principles and Standards, high school mathematics education has not changed substantially since this report was written.

The MCTM High School Task Force guidance will utilize the framework set forth in the NCTM’s 2010 Principles to Action, 2021 Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics, and the 2024 recommendations released by recommendations from NCTM / NCSM / ASSM in September. Guidance will be developed to support school districts decision making in the following areas: 

  • Potential High School 9-12th grade math course pathways with pros/cons of each option
  • Implementation recommendations for the proposed 2022 math standards
  • Develop communication to stakeholders around the recommendations of the High School Task Force and the 2022 math standards
  • Recommend pedagogy and curricular resources for implementation of 2022 math standards


The task force membership will be appointed by the MCTM executive board and will include:

  1. The MCTM vice-President for High-School
  2. At least one MCTM Regional Director
  3. At least one member of the MCTM executive committee
  4. At least one current Rural Minnesota public high school Math teacher
  5. At least one current Suburban Minnesota public high school Math teacher
  6. At least one current Urban Minnesota public high school Math teacher
  7. At least one current Private, Alternative or Charter high school Math teacher
  8. At least one current Special Education or MLL high school educator
  9. At least one current 8th grade math teacher
  10. At least one current administrator or curriculum leader in a public-school district in Minnesota
  11. At least one representative from a Minnesota Higher Education Institution
  12. Gender and racial diversity will be prioritized


  • The MCTM High School Task Force will center equity in all recommendations and guidance produced.
  • Members will actively participate in meetings, consider perspectives offered, and work collaboratively to accomplish the common goals of the High School Task Force:
    • Review existing national and state standards and frameworks for high school mathematics, as well as related research.
    • Create possible high school course pathways.
    • Make recommendations for content to be taught in each course in the pathways (align standards to courses).
    • Provide MCTM with a list of recommended professional learning opportunities.
  • Continuing Education Units will be provided for licensed Minnesota teachers.
  • Most, if not all, meetings will be virtual. Members will be reimbursed for travel to in person meetings, if needed.


The MCTM High School Task Force will meet throughout the 2024-25 school year, will report on progress at the 2025 MCTM conference, and report recommendations to the MCTM board by December 2025.


  • MCTM will recruit and name members of the high school High School Task Force by July 31st, 2024.
  • MCTM will survey membership on the current state of high school mathematics – fall of 2024
  • Application Opens: Early July
  • Application Closes: July 31, 2024
  • Survey Window: September 2024
  • Task Force Announced: August 15, 2024
  • Meeting Dates, 2024-25 school year: August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, December 17, January 21, February 18, March 18, April TBD
  • MCTM Spring Conference (recommended) April 25-26, 2025
  • Present at MSBA, MASA and/or MASSP (Winter 2024-25)
  • Recommendations to MCTM Board Feb 1, 2025
  • Public Feedback Opportunity (Spring 2025)
  • Summer 2025 High School PD 


Questions can be directed to


Apply for the MCTM High School Task Force here.