My Facebook and Twitter feeds have been flooded with teachers connecting and collaborating to figure out what distance learning will look like for our students in Minnesota. Teachers are pulling together to re-imagine a school where students are in their homes rather than our classrooms and establish a “new-normal” with many unknowns in play. I am inspired, not only by the work, but by the shared community that continues to grow out of the love we have for our students.

Keep the care and well-being of students in the driver seat as we forge ahead on this journey. Continuing to grow and strengthen the relationships you have with students and support them through this time is what matters most. Yes, math matters, but WHY does it matter – beyond getting prepared for the next math course – or prepping for a test?

I challenge you to re-imagine the math experience for your students, rather than work to virtually re-create your classroom in their living room. This is an opportunity to pause and see the beauty of math WITH your students. Where do you see beauty in the math you teach? How could I facilitate a learning community for students to truly wrestle with mathematical ideas?

What if staying home is our opportunity to INSPIRE our students (and maybe even us) to see math in a whole new way? Check out a couple of resources that have intrigued me to discover, explore and wrestle with the ideas of mathematics.

#MathArt Challenge Math4Love

Courtney LaRoche

MCTM President