Spring Conference 2020 Keynotes
Opening Keynote – Friday morning
Dr. Raj Shah – Five Keys to Making Math Irresistible
The keynote will feature a combination of stories and math activities as we learn five principles to make math irresistible for kids.
We will explore why students lose interest in math and how we can spark curiosity and increase engagement. In addition, you’ll learn the key requirements to crafting an experience that encourages productive struggle. Finally, we will discuss techniques to promote meaningful student discourse.
Dr. Shah’s TEDx talk on Using Video Games Principles to Improve Math Scores
Dr. Shah will also be giving a Friday workshop on Mathematics Teachers’ Circles (MTCs). Come experience a MTC as we explore a math task and reflect on the mathematical practices.
Closing Keynote – Saturday lunch
Dr. Trena Wilkerson – Moving Forward in 2020 and Beyond through Critical Conversations and Taking Action to Empower and Engage Our Students in Mathematics
Dr. Trena Wilkerson is a mathematics education professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education at Baylor University in Waco, Texas where she teaches both graduate and undergraduate mathematics education courses and conducts professional development and research. Trena taught high school mathematics for 18 years. She is the current NCTM President-Elect and has published in several of NCTM’s journals, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Mathematics Teacher, Teaching Children Mathematics, and Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, chaired the MTMS Editorial Panel and served on the NCTM Board of Directors. She is actively involved in her local NCTM Affiliate, Central Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CTCTM), and state affiliate, Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (TCTM). She is the editor of TCTM’s journal and serves on the Board. Trena loves teaching and learning mathematics in support of current and future mathematics teachers and leaders!
Dr. Wilkerson will also be giving a session earlier on Saturday about mathematical discourse. Join in this session to explore strategies for engaging each and every student in rich mathematical discourse. Students really want to talk about mathematics and we need them to talk! So, let’s discuss opportunities to get our students talking math!