A New Year’s Resolution to Last!

Happy New Year! Welcome to a new decade!  I hope the break was restful and rejuvenating.  Being “resolution” season, this is an awesome time to revisit the goals we set for ourselves and for our students at the beginning of the school year.  What might you need to support your goal from now through June? What’s working? What’s not working?  

An even bigger question to consider as we reflect back on our practice . . . what kind of learning do I want my students to experience in this new decade?  What impact do I want to make on this next generation of students? How have my teaching practices evolved since 2010? Who do I want to be as an educator in the 2020s?  In 2030, I want to be able to look back and say, “Wow! I sure have grown in my practice!” Once we know better, how do we do better?  

I’ve been fortunate to be a part of a high school teacher study group.  We are reading Necessary Conditions, Teaching Secondary Math with Academic Safety, Quality Tasks and Effective Facilitation by Geoff Krall.  Geoff reminds us how entangled these three facets have to be in order to engage all students in high quality math learning.  This book is packed with actionable ways to change our teaching practices and rehumanize the math learning experience for our students.  It gives me hope for 2020 to be the decade of “I love math!” and “I can do math!” and “Math is more than a subject I learn at school”.


Happy New Year!

Courtney LaRoche, MCTM President