MN Math EdCamp

Friday, Oct 18th
Crookston, MN
9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

(Lunch is not included, there are multiple options available in the area)

EdCamp is a FREE conference where sessions and topics are made up on the spot. You can participate at any level, share your ideas or just learn from others. Topics and sessions that have been explored in past EdCamps are: MTBOS and Twitter as a resource, equity and identity in the classroom, Desmos activities, and teaching number sense in all levels. This is a great way for you to meet up with other math educators and to gather some inspiration as we fall into routine in our classrooms.

New to EdCamp? Check out these videos:

Click here to register

Again, this is a free event, sign up is only so we know an approximate number of people to prep for. Bring a friend, the more participants, the better the EdCamp. We will be offering 5 CEU hours to participants. Please contact Jessica Strom ( for more information.