Updated Item Samplers and TE Item Types for Math MCA
Angela Hochstetter – Math Assessment Specialist, MNDOE
Ann Page – Math Assessment Specialist, MNDOE
This article will answer the following two questions:
- How can a teacher find new items on the math item samplers?
- How can a teacher or student find all of the different types of technology-enhanced (TE) items that could be on a student’s MCA test?
1. How can a teacher find new items on the math item samplers?
A teacher can access the online item samplers and click through to find the new items at the end. However, a quicker way to see the newly added items is to go to the teacher guides that are posted on the item sampler webpage.
Click on “Mathematics Item Sampler Teacher Guides,” and then use the drop-down menu to select a grade. For example, click on grade 8.
The Grade 8 Mathematics MCA Item Sampler Teacher Guide pdf will open.Scroll to the end to see the newest items on the sampler.
- How can a teacher or student find all of the different types of technology-enhanced (TE) items that could be on a student’s MCA test?
On the student tutorial page under Item Types Tutorial select the Item Types Tutorial drop-down menu.
Select the grade band of interest.
(NOTE: the “Transcript” versions provide the transcripts to be read to students that require that specific accommodation.)
The video below shows one way to navigate to the student tutorial from the internet. It also includes a look at the first few TE items in the tutorial.
For a more in-depth explanation of the different item types, select the Item Types Teacher Guide. This PDF provides more information about the item types, including which subject areas and grades could include the different item types.
Another way to see the math TE item types is to go into the item samplers for various grades. All of the TE items are represented across the grades.
As always, please contact Angela or Ann with any comments or questions.
Angela Hochstetter – Math Assessment Specialist (angela.hochstetter@state.mn.us)
Ann Page – Math Assessment Specialist (ann.page@state.mn.us)