Equity Task Force Invitation to Events

Submitted by
Lesa Clarkson
Associate Professor Mathematics Education, University of Minnesota
MCTM Equity Task Force Co-Chair
Barb Everhart
Math Consultant, Anoka Middle School for the Arts, Anoka Regional HS
MCTM Equity Task Force Co-Chair

#1)  Have you learned something new this year around equity?  Is there something you are passionate about and want to share with other math teachers around equity?  MCTM Conference is looking for presenters.  Due date is the end of December.  Please consider presenting or co-presenting this year at MCTM.  Contact Barb Everhart (barbara.s.everhart@gmail.com) or Lesa Covington-Clarkson (covin005@umn.edu) if you need help or support on your proposal.

Conference Info: http://www.mctm.org/springconf.php

Speaker Proposal: http://www.mctm.org/speakerproposal.php


#2) The Equity Task Force would like to invite you to three events:

  • Pop-Up PD

May Vang is starting a monthly Pop-up PD this year.  I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of it so that you can promote the work she is doing.

Previous sessions:

Two sessions have already occurred. May created a folder with many great resources from the training to check out! bit.ly/2hgbjmh

Upcoming Session:
Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Topic: Rich Tasks and Productive Struggle

Location: Roseville Library Boardroom

Time: 4:30-5:30 pm

Future Pop-Up PD Dates:

Tuesday, December 12, 2017: Rich Tasks and Productive Struggle

Thursday, January 25, 2018: Desmos

  • Book Discussion Annie Perkins has organized a get together for a book club around the book, The New Jim Crow

Details: Location: Urban Growler (2325 Endicott St, St Paul, MN 55114)

Time: Discussion 3:00 pm,  Twitter Talk 4:00pm

Date: Saturday, January 20, 2018

  • Equity Alliance MN is pleased to announce the return of Minneapolis Public Schools’ South High School teachers Stephanie Woldum and Morgan Fierst to present Critical Pedagogy: Math and Our Community. Stephanie and Morgan never hear, “Why do we have learn this?” because they apply real-world problems to the required standards-based curriculum. Learn how to increase student engagement exponentially by infusing local data such as housing, youth programming, crime, and employment statistics into advanced and intermediate algebraic concepts. Please join us!  Registration deadline is November 18th! (see attached flyer)