Scholarships and Teacher Support
Submitted by: MCTM Foundation
- Scholarships for Middle School Teachers
Are you taking a math course this summer or sometime soon? Did you know the MCTM Foundation awards scholarships of up to $1200 to middle school teachers to help with costs? The courses need to focus on extending your understanding of a particular area of mathematical content. Apply for a
Cutler Scholarship BY MARCH 31ST. Directions and application materials are available at
Nicole Bridge, recipient of a Cutler Grant in 2016, found “(This coursework) has been invaluable in my work supporting teachers and coaches . . . Our ultimate goal is to help teachers create a robust intervention system that will help students develop understanding of math concepts beyond simply making a correct answer “pop out.” This class has given me the tools to help my fellow consultants and teachers better support students, and I am grateful for the role that the MCTM Foundation and Cutler Scholarship have played in helping me in this endeavor.”
You could be next – apply today!
- Teachers Supporting Teachers-Donate with Spring Conference Registrations
Did you know MCTM and the MCTM Foundation have several grants and scholarships available for teachers? You can help us award more grants by donating to the MCTM Foundation. When you register for the Spring Conference,, look for the “Foundation Contribution” box that allows you to also donate to the Foundation. Any amount is welcome and helps us help more teachers. You can also donate directly online at For more grants and scholarships info go to