equiTABLE Talk
Barb Everhart
Math Consultant, Anoka Middle School for the Arts, Anoka Regional HS
MCTM Equity Task Force Co-Chair
Equitable = Equi-TABLE
Talk ABout Lessons of Excellence/Experiences/Equity
Equity in mathematics education in Minnesota is moving beyond rhetoric. We will meeting around the table to have conversations to fuel the movement.
Join us at the table…the equi-TABLE.
We will include monthly links to support equi-TABLE Talks.
Join us on the Journey:
University initiative to address educational equity in MN: www.gap.umn.edu
Educational Equity In Action:
Statewide Convening at the U of MN: http://www.cehd.umn.edu/
MPS South HS Social Justice Project
* Advanced Algebra Videos https://www.youtube.com/
* Intermediate Algebra Posters https://www.google.com/cse/
Summer Reading:
Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell
Webinar Discussion:
August 5, 12-1pm