TAKE ACTION! Join MCTM in Duluth April 29-30th.

Sara Van Der Werf

Teacher, Minneapolis South High School

MCTM President

As President of MCTM, I am hoping to see each of you in Duluth April 29-30th, 2016 for our annual conference. My favorite part of conferences is the opportunity to network with math teachers from around the state that inspire me. The best ideas and most effective change I’ve made in my own classroom has often come from the people I meet in Duluth each year.

My one hope for every conference is that everyone that attends will leave with ideas for how to take immediate action in their classroom to ensure all students become confident in their ability to learn and use mathematics. Our conference this year will center on NCTM’s 6 guiding principles for school mathematics. If you’ve not seen the 6 principles, read about each of them below. Consider selecting one principle to center your learning around at the conference .

If you attend the conference this year, please seek me out and introduce yourself. Most likely I will ask you what inspires you as a math teacher or what was your favorite day in the classroom was this last year. I love hearing about other teacher’s passions. Feel free to ask me any questions you have. For those of you who know me, I have lots to say if asked (and lots to say even if I am not asked).

If you have not registered for the conference yet, please TAKE ACTION and click HERE to register now! Also consider registering for the one day MCTM Ross Taylor Symposium with Dr. Yeap Ban-Har On April 28th.   You can register http://mctm.org/symposium.php. This is a great one day of learning geared to district/school administers and teacher leaders.

P.S. If you can’t attend the conference in person, please follow what is happening live on Twitter by searching hashtag #MCTMduluth Also check Twitter for links to see some sessions live. Some of us hope to broadcast live via Periscope so you can check out some sessions from the comfort of your home.
