2015 Candidates for District 5 Director


Anthony Padrnos

Current Position
Director of Technology
Richfield Public Schools

Ed.S. Educational Administration; Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
M.A. Education, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
B.A.S. Mathematics Education, University of Minnesota Duluth
Certificate Educational Computing and Technology, University of Minnesota Duluth

Goals as MCTM Officer
As a long standing member of MCTM, I have appreciated the vision of advancing mathematics education and being in an organization that has brought so many great educators together to share and promote these continual advancements. As an officer I would continue to find ways to promote, engage, and prepare members with the best pedagogy that aims to maximize all students’ abilities to achieve high levels in mathematics while integrating the skills needed to be successful in the twenty first century. This can be achieved through a stronger communication network among our members utilizing the advancements of today’s technologies and listening to the needs of mathematics educators in a time of educational change brought on through the advancement of instructional technologies and changing student demographics.

Professional Affiliations

  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
  • Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM)
  • Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MNASA)
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Involvement in MCTM and Mathematics Education

  • Mathematics Instructor (2007-2014)
  • Education Consultant (2013- present)
  • Presenter at MCTM Spring Conference (2013, 2014)
  • Presenter at Flipped Conference: Spotlight session on mathematics (2014)
  • Presenter at ESL, Bilingual, and Migrant Education conference: Co-teaching ELL students in high school mathematics (2013)
  • Presenter at TIES Education Technology Conference (2013, 2014)
  • Served as District 5 representative on delegate assembly (2014)
  • Research Studies: Educational technology and its affects on student performance in the multicultural mathematics classroom (2010); The effectiveness of a flipped instructional model in the mathematics classroom (2013)


Nina Smith

Current Position
Math Teacher grades 3-5
Math Specialist grade K-8
Marcy Open School
Minneapolis Public Schools

B.S. Foundations of Education, University of Minnesota
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota

Goals as MCTM Officer
Over the years I have learned so much being a MCTM member and have participated in the state conference.   I have spent the last 8 years coaching math teachers and leading professional development in Minneapolis. I plan to use my coaching and teaching experiences in elementary and middle school to help identify, solve problems and serve the members of district 5. As an officer I will work to create and support opportunities for teachers and leaders in mathematics to come together to share ideas and learn from each other. This is the heart and soul of MCTM. I would continue the work of promoting and building the membership so more teachers can share their knowledge.

Professional Affiliations

  • Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics
  • National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Involvement in MCTM and Mathematics Education

  • Presenter at MCTM Spring Conference 2014
  • Scheduled Presenter at NCTM Annual Conference 2015
  • Minneapolis District Curriculum Writer
  • Facilitator of Professional Development for Minneapolis Public School, Teachers grade 3-5
  • Middle Level Mathematics Educator for 11 years
  • Teacher for 15 years
  • Elementary & Middle Mathematics Teacher/Coach for 8 years
